
Mental health
What value do you place on your mental health? I have come to believe it might possibly be our number one asset. Given my history with struggling with mental health, it’s tempting to give it less credit, to pretend it’s less important than it is so I can slack off. We must honor the power of mental health and make a decision to fight for it, regardless of the temptation to give into a victim mentality.
Coming soon coming soon coming soon
What is mental health?
Mental health is much more of a problem in society than I think it needs to be. We have failed ourselves in developing the correct ways of thinking and are dealing with massive consequences because of it.
- Self-talk
- Positive mental attitude
- Growth vs. limited mindset
- Embrace your fears
- Mental health statistics
From the Anxiety and Phobia workbook “The truth is that it’s what we say to ourselves in response to any particular situation that mainly determines our mood and feelings. Often we say it so quickly and automatically that we don’t even notice, and so we get the impression that the external situation “makes” us feel the way we do. But it’s really our interpretations and thoughts about what is happening that form the basis of our feelings. In short, you are largely responsible for how you feel (barring physiological determinates, such as illness). This is a profound and very important truth- one that sometimes takes a long time to fully grasp. Its often much easier to blame the way you feel on something or someone outside yourself than to take responsibility for your reactions. Yet it is through your willingness to accept that responsibility that you begin to take charge and have mastery over your life. The realization that you are mostly responsible for how you feel is empowering once you fully accept it. It’s one of the most important keys to living a happier more effective and, and anxiety-free life.”
Positive mental attitude
I used to think the school system wasn’t very helpful in building this for our young people. In working with young people I have been encouraged to learn that this vital information is being introduced to our future generations. We need to adopt this approach no matter what stage of life we are in. It undeniably makes life a lot more enjoyable to have a positive attitude! Looking on the bright side will make people want to be around you and will make your relationship with yourself more pleasant as well.
When you set out to accomplish something, obstacles are going to come up. That is the nature of the design and we need to learn to expect them. Obstacles are presented to us for us to grow by solving that which has gotten in our way. What used to happen to me is that I wasn’t trained to overcome obstacles so I would default to my limited thinking and decide why my desired outcome wouldn’t work and then I wouldn’t go after the obstacle. This was a mistake and exactly the opposite of the correct mindset. Once I learned how to overcome obstacles I realized it was largely due to having a possibility oriented mindset. Don’t make assumptions! When you reach an obstacle, find out the ways through it and then look into actual solutions. Do not make assumptions about what those solutions might cost you until you have found out for yourself! You will be surprised how many times the solution is less than you think. Part of overcoming obstacles is realizing that this practice will quickly have you arriving in unfamiliar places, you must becoming comfortable being uncomfortable! Just get the information first before you make a decision. I have been able to make amazing progress with this approach.
Embrace your fears
If you want to take the shortest route to your goals, aim straight for your fears! Everything we want is on the other side of our fears.
Mental health statistics
Mental illnesses affect 19% of the adult population, 46% of adolescents and 13% of children every year. People struggling with their mental health can be in your family, live next door, teach their children, work in the next room or sit in the same church. However, only half of those affected receive treatment, often due to stigma associated with mental health. Untreated, mental illness can lead to higher medical expenses, poor school performance and employment, fewer employment opportunities and increased risk of suicide.
Focus on the 5 Areas of Health
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