Strengthen Your Health

As humanity heals and reconnects with their hearts and dreams, they will begin to make efforts to reach them. Our society has been conditioned to look outside ourselves for satisfaction and fulfillment, we need to shift that focus to internal awareness. When you are on a path of growth, you must build your strength and character. The connection between personal responsibility and emotional intelligence as essential values to build self awareness and leadership skills.
After I ran into a dead end, I started living in a new way with the following principles
Personal Responsibility
For some reason, the term “responsibility” has been misrepresented and misunderstood as a burden, or a component of adulthood that is to be dreaded in a sense. I offer an alternative perspective that will show you why responsibility is a gift and how you can use this gift. Let’s begin by breaking the word responsibility into two sections so it’s easy to see. Response-ability, i.e. the ability to respond. Can we agree that an ability can be considered a skill? Can we agree that skills can be learned? Let’s entertain this interpretation of response-ability to uncover the benefits of improving this skill.
Self-awareness means knowing who you are and what you want and need out of life. Creating a practice of tuning into ourselves to explore these fluid aspects is necessary towards the ongoing goal of self-mastery. Despite the complications of this idea projected by the world, it actually is possible to be more or less skilled at self-mastery. Self-mastery skills are cumulative and improve with practice. Self-awareness requires emotional competence. Emotional competence/ emotional intelligence is being able to identify and differentiate emotions. For example: happy, sad, angry, frustrated, excited, scared, etc.
Service to others
I believe strongly in the benefits of volunteering and I try to encourage others to find ways to give back. When we are living in alignment with our soul and doing what we love, giving back often comes naturally. When we are doing what we love, it usually doesn’t feel like work. In creating a healthy and abundant mindset, giving is something that should be taken into consideration and when we give, it helps to create space in which the universe rushes in to fill. We have to keep moving in order to get closer to our goals and giving a lot the way is a great way to clear out space for new miracles to arrive. Another benefit of giving that I believe is very important is the opportunity for new experiences that might not be available otherwise. My volunteer experience has been some of the most memorable and eye-opening time I have spent. In 2009 I volunteered for the Girls, Inc. summer program, in 2011-2013 I put in a lot of volunteer hours with Klemmer and Associates, a leadership company I was studying with and I turned around and gave my support for other people going through the program. In 2014-2015 I volunteered at Colorado Therapeutic Horse center, helping support children with special needs while they received speech therapy on horseback and in my face painting business I have chosen to give a great deal back to the community through sharing my services for reduced or no cost and hosting community events to bring people together. Please see the Service page for more!
How many people have considered that they are here for a unique purpose?It might be difficult for someone to believe they were born with a purpose unless they have a spiritual outlook on life. There are so many different perspectives on this planet it’s mind boggling.
Many have become disconnected from the inherent value of life. With out a spiritual outlook or some connection to love, it’s easier to justify unkind or unloving behavior. With out taking the time to explore who we are, what’s important to us, what we care about… we can end up feeling disconnected from the value of life, our own and others. Choosing to adopt a belief that your life matters, trying to make an impact, or even choosing to believe that the dream in your heart is important is a difficult path in this world which is full of short-term carnal delights. The potential benefits of choosing this more difficult path are things like inner peace, increased confidence, improved relationships, patience, valuing yourself more, and miracles showing up for you to continue your journey within.
Focus on strengthening your health
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