
Spiritual health
I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience. We consist of mind, body and soul. Of all the countless perspectives on spirituality I sense many people could agree with these concepts. I am not here to convince anyone my beliefs are correct though, instead, if you resonate with this as a basic foundation, perhaps we have more to talk about!
I believe we have been misled about our spiritual origins and this has caused tremendous separation amongst humanity. Somehow, a coordinated effort to disconnect us from the force of our souls has persuaded many to disconnect from their divine internal compass. I think the topic of spirituality is perhaps better approached through questions, as opposed to answers.
What is Spiritual health?
Why is spiritual health important? Do you feel connected to your soul or purpose? As far as my personal testimony I know that I have found a lot of strength to continue pursuing my life’s work because I have established a spiritual connection within myself. I have come to believe that at this time, we need to focus on getting connected to our souls so we can access our spiritual gift of intuition. I believe intuition is a critical tool is helping us navigate our experience on earth. Learning to value intuition requires a connection to personal responsibility and believing each of our lives has a purpose. If a person doesn’t have a long term perspective or desire to be of service, this gift may seem less important. Investing into my relationship with God has been essential in finding the strength to continue building my life’s work. It has given me hope and faith that I was created for a reason. I can help you explore what you believe your purpose might be, or help you dig deeper into spirituality, regardless of what your faith may be.
- Spiritual being have a human experience
- Intuition
- Purpose
- A personal project
- Coming soon
Spiritual being having a human experience
Adopting this perspective makes it easier to assume the observer role in our lives which I have found critical in achieving freedom from the 3D. Driving our lives from the seat of the observer positions us to have space between our experiences and eternal state. This space is important because we need it to grow and to not be consumed by what might be going on in any given moment.
This is an important aspect of spirituality that helps us make better decisions and to locate and stay near a path that aligns with our purpose. Developing a relationship with our intuition is a fun process which can lead to a much different approach to living. By choosing to take this route I created a lifestyle which reflects my values, my creativity and my long term vision for my life. With the amount of people disconnected from living a life that resembles anything that is important to them, we have a lot of work to do in this area. Work with me to deepen your relationship with your intuition.
Do you believe your life has a unique purpose? Do you believe you are aware of your purpose? Wherever you are at in this process I would be delighted for an opportunity to help you progress further. I attended many leadership conferences and in 2011 I was led through an exercise which helped me identify a purpose that feels very deep to me. Although we aren’t able to know for sure these things, I can help you explore your emotional fingerprint which can give clues to what lies within your heart for you to share with humanity.
A personal project
The deeper I have gone in my spiritual journey and the more I have invested in it- the less I have needed to to preach about it. My philosophy is based on individuals following a code of conduct like the 10 commandments along with developing a spiritual relationship with the reality we live in. This is an incredible practice that can bring about much gratification. The spiritual word can be very beautiful and it’s also something that invites us into darkness at times to heal so we can raise our overall vibration. No one can walk this path for you, it is something you must do on your own. I believe a connection to purpose gives us the strength to improve our spiritual health so we can better serve humanity with our unique offering. That is what is has done for me, and it began with me taking small steps to test out the laws of the universe. Once I was confident they worked for me as I was seeing them work for others, I have become more and more proficient at applying them and willing to step out in a larger capacity. If you have a vision for your life, I don’t see how it can be done with out having a healthy spiritual foundation. If you resonate with this perspective, we may be a good match to work together!
Coming soon
Focus on the 5 Areas of Health
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