
As a lifelong athlete I have the love of competition ingrained deep within me. As far as my experience goes in triathlon sports, I have a background of 9 years of competitive swimming, close to 10 years of running experience, which includes many competitive events and cycling recreationally and for transportation. I have been interested in competing in triathlons since 2013, when I was sponsored for running by a gym in Colorado Springs. Training for triathlon is a serious commitment which requires at least an hour of training a day, a great deal of equipment and varying facilities to accommodate all the sports.The back-to-back combination of swimming, cycling and running is a test of both physical endurance and mental endurance. And it’s not just athletic achievement that makes people hooked on triathlons! The community is welcoming and friendly, and races are often held at weekend-scenic events.
If you are reading this now, then you are finding me at the beginning of my adventure into the world of competition in triathlon. I am excited that it finally feels like the right time in my life to pursue this. I am optimistic for this to be an opportunity to combine my greatest strengths of physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and financial health to reach results that I haven’t been able to in the past and surprise myself and others with unexpected miracles and outcomes.
What is a triathlon?
Triathlon is a multi-discipline sport that involves swimming, cycling and running. Triathlon is a great sport to keep active, and keeping in mind the three elements of swimming, cycling and running, you can also keep training fun and varied! This time around I am combined all 5 areas of health to achieve my best results and become better than ever. I have a new appreciation for nearly all aspects of the components of training and competing and I’m going to give my best to turn this understanding into results.
My physical training involves
- Swimming
- Cycling
- Running
- Strength and agility training
- Rest and recovery
- Nutrition
Most swimming in triathlons is done in open water and that will be my first challenge to overcome in these competitions. Besides that, I’m extremely confident in my swimming skills when it comes to this sport. I believe the swimming portion is the most difficult piece for many triathletes and I expect to have an advantage because of my history in swimming. I am currently practicing 1-2 hours/week with a masters swim team in the Denver area.
Up until now I have competed in one cycling race several years ago. My training currently consists of riding on trails in the Denver area from anywhere between 15-30 miles/ride. I am confident on a bike and have used a bike as a primary mode of transportation for 3 years. I am looking forward to learning more about racing strategy and improving my skills in this area. I am currently practicing 1-2 training rides/week to increase my speed and strength.
My relationship with running has been off and on, the time I took running most seriously was in 2012-2014 when I was sponsored. Since my back injuries I have stayed away from running because it is such a high impact activity. I do have a love for the sport and my commitment to myself is that going forward, I must take a very therapeutic approach to running. This means being diligent about stretching and doing exercises that specifically support the areas which can become problematic for me. Since my injuries, certain areas, like my hips or IT band are more susceptible to becoming irritated and it’s critical to be conscious of this. There was a time where my body was more forgiving and I could go on long runs with out having to give as much attention to these things, but that’s no longer the case and these adaptations must be taken as seriously as the speed and endurance training.
Strength and agility training
I believe the most effective and efficient approach to keeping our bodies fit and strong is to include strength and agility training in our exercise routine. What is strength training? As someone who loves to race, I find cardio far more exciting but we can’t expect to achieve our best result with out giving some attention to improving our muscle tone. Strength training protects bone health and muscle mass. Increased muscle mass raises our resting metabolism and burns more calories around the clock. Aerobic exercise burns calories while we are doing it, but the benefit ceases shortly after the activity completes. There are some adaptations to aerobic activity like HIIT and Tabata training which can offer more benefits following the cessation of aerobic activity, but it’s still not a substitute for strength training. Strength training also improves balance, coordination and posture! This is important for recreational and competitive athletes! Boost energy levels, improve mood, manage pain. In my case, I have to acknowledge my injuries and give extra attention to building my strength in the affected areas. I can’t ignore these factors or I risk creating more discomfort than before. Add Strength Training to your Workout
Rest and recovery
Rest and recovery is important for every athlete, but I believe the recommendations are different for each sport. I will be sharing my resources for rest and recovery and I invite you to rely on experts in your specific area of fitness for details on what is right for you. I enjoy trying different methods of health and wellness- such as access bars, cryotherapy, massage therapy, acupuncture, physical therapy, Wim Hof technique, meditation, spending time in nature, yoga, stretching, epsom salt baths, sauna, steam rooms, Korea spa, sound baths, dry needling and more. I am open to trying new method to bring about a higher quality of living. Please contact me if you would like to discuss the process for hiring me to try your product/service and write a blog about my experience.
What woke you up to proper nutrition? The four most influential events regarding nutrition were when I was told to eat gluten free, when I joined a cross fit gym and participated in a month long sugar detox, when I read “The bulletproof diet” by Dave Asprey and when I worked with a personal trainer. I currently follow a keto lifestyle, keeping in mind the valuable insights from the bulletproof diet book.
Focus on triathlon
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