Triathlete - Cycling

My Cycling History & Experience
1991-2000: I swam competitively on 3 swim teams/year.
2006: I completed my first 1/2 marathon and full marathon
2010-2013: I voluntarily chose to use a road bike as my primary means of transportation
2012-2013: I competed in 5k’s and 10k’s (and a bike race) and earned corporate sponsorship’s. My interest in triathlon began here.
2013: I fractured my T11 & T12 vertebrae in an trampoline accident (back flip gone bad)
2017: I fractured my L2 in a car accident
2020: I reinvented myself and I’m training to compete in triathlons. I begin racing again on 9/5.
In the multisport event of triathlon, cycling is the area where I have the least amount of competitive experience, but I believe my passion for racing and strengths in the other two areas will help me compensate for this. I have many years of experience in both competitive running and swimming. When it comes to cycling, I have begun training and ride 25-30 miles
I have considered myself a social scientist since I was studying behavioral science in college. I have chosen on my own free will to actively seek out experiences that many wouldn’t. I have been curious for so long about the human experience and believe trying things myself will help me learn about myself and the world. I am also the type of person that is willing to take large risks by making extreme changes in my life. When I was younger, they used to be less strategic and at this point I have begun to accept this fact about myself and have learned how to use it my advantage.
- My cycling experience
- Competitive mindset applied to cycling
- Benefits of cycling
My cycling experience
In 2009 my father was diagnosed with cancer and he passed away a year later, I was under 30 years old when this happened. In the weeks leading up to and for a long time following, I experienced a powerful shift in what I viewed as important. It was during this time that I decided to sell my car and be open to the idea of using public transportation to get around. I had been used to always using a car to get around but I felt it was a privilege that disconnected me from others and from a reality that many around the world live in everyday. It’s a little tricky to find an exact figure but several website estimate there are about 1.5 billion cars in the world which means that about 18% of the world’s population have a car. I wanted to put myself in the majority of the world’s shoes and live with out a car. I voluntarily chose to live this way and I got around Denver and Colorado Springs for 3 years with out a car. I used a Schwinn road bike from the 1980’s, the city bus system, walking, ride share options and more to get around. It was a big relief when I got a vehicle again, and I still appreciate everything I learned from that experience.
Competitive mindset applied to cycling
Some may wonder why I have chosen road cycling instead of a different type of biking. It mainly comes down to speed. Fortunately, I have previous experience in road biking. I enjoy cycling because it’s a constant challenge to see how much further I can push myself. I feel powerful on a bike that I am using my own body to travel significant distances.
Benefits of cycling
- Increased cardiovascular fitness
- Increased muscle strength and flexibility
- Joint mobility improved
- Decreased stress levels
- Better posture and coordination
- Strengthened bones
- Decreased body fat levels
- Disease prevention or management
- Reduced anxiety and depression
Focus on the 5 Areas of Health
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