Triathlete - Running

My Personal Running Journey
1991-2000: I swam competitively on 3 swim teams/year.
2006: I completed my first 1/2 marathon and full marathon
2010-2013: I voluntarily chose to use a road bike as my primary means of transportation
2012-2013: I competed in 5k’s and 10k’s (and a bike race) and earned corporate sponsorships. My interest in triathlon began here.
2013: I fractured my T11 & T12 vertebrae in an trampoline accident (back flip gone bad)
2017: I fractured my L2 in a car accident
2020: I reinvented myself and I’m training to compete in triathlons. I begin racing again on 9/5.
My running journey began the way many others have, thinking I would never be a runner and then coming to enjoy it! I never liked to run when I was younger and forced to do so in school. My relationship with running changed in 2003 when I received a postcard from an organization called Team in Training. Team in Training is a philanthropic group that raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma organization while putting together groups of athletes to compete in marathons, half marathons, 100 mile century cycling events, etc. I had gotten into running on a treadmill at the gym for about 6 months prior to receiving a postcard from them in the mail and was enjoying the experience. When I received the ad, my interest was peaked enough to go to the informational meeting. I went to the meeting with out knowing what would happen and I ended up signing up for the San Diego Rock N Roll marathon.
This marathon experience was a bit grueling and I vowed if I was to do more marathons in the future that I would take my training more seriously. I was consumed with working part time, raising the money for team in training and going to college, and I allowed my training to fall short which I felt the consequences of. This brings us to the present of my third chapter of running. The first was in 2005-2007, the second was 2012-2013 and here we are in 2020, beginning again, better than ever.
What defines my running style?
- Barefoot running style
- Middle distance runner
- Prefer trails in nature
- Why I run
- 11 benefits of running
Barefoot running style
When I was training in 2012-2013 I focused on trail running, tabata training in the gym for speed and also studied minimalist/barefoot running style. This is the philosophy I follow in my running because after studying it I believe it is anatomically correct and leads to more ease and less injuries in the sport. I wouldn’t consider myself an expert but given the positive difference I have personally experienced from this style, and the research I have done I have come to prefer it. I am strongly convinced that this is the correct anatomical approach to running and am currently training with the Altra Escalante II shoe.
Mid-distance runner
Consistent with my strength in swimming, my best events tend to be longer than sprinting, but not the longest events either. My competitive history includes many 5k, some 10k, half marathons and a full marathon. As I progress in my triathlon training I am training for sprint and olympic distance triathlons. The olympic distance is a 10k and the sprint distance is 5k. So I will be focusing on those distances for now with some slight variation to accomplish certain training objectives.
I prefer trails in nature, paved and unpaved
For everyday training runs, I usually will find trails close to where I live or within about a 20 minute drive. This is due to convenience, time, and safety. I am very confident running alone on paths that are well populated, but when it comes to a new trail or a trail that is more rural I feel better to have company, simply for safety’s sake. One of my favorite well known trails in Colorado is the route down from the top of Manitou incline. Some of my favorite running memories involve high tailing it up the incline and making a very quick descent on the dirt trail with my minimalist trail running shoes on, hopping over rocks and imaging myself on a motocross cross made for runners like me!
Why I run
For me, running has been a journey of surpassing my limitations and continuing to push further to see what I’m capable of. The sport of running has actually transformed my perception of myself dramatically, as I believed into my mid-twenties that I couldn’t run a mile, and then managing to complete a marathon and finish other shorter distance races with pretty competitive times. In a way, it’s a simple, inexpensive way to improve ourselves that is easy to track. We can run the same trail repeatedly, in similar conditions, until we can run faster, with more ease, with more enjoyment, etc! The goal of beating our best time is something that is easy to measure and can keep us motivated. With my competitive nature, beating my times is a definite driver for me. Some of my secondary motivations are that there are times when it feels amazing and makes me feel very powerful. There are great mental health benefits to all forms of exercise, including running. Running makes me feel more confident and when I’m in excellent condition, it’s an enjoyable activity. I can explore trails around the world in a way I enjoy.
Benefits of running
- Convenient
- Inexpensive
- Improves cardiovascular heath
- Easy to learn
- It can help lose weight
- You get a natural high
- It works legs and core
- It can strengthen bones
- It can improve your athleticism
- Improves mental well-being
- Offers constant variety
Focus on running
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